Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sooo a fight broke out

I made my debut last night for my new team and I am hoping to make a good impression. Why is it that a fight breaks out and the ref calls the game? The game was tied 1-1 and it was looking like we were going to steal the victory. So it happened like this.... our player was running after the ball and he accidentally knocked the other teams player to the floor. This player decided to kick our player while he was on the floor and this is when punches went flying. I didn't really see what happened to be honest but because I play on a predominantly Jamaican team all I heard was "Bloooooodclot, naa mek mi vex, pussy hole," soooo I could only but assume a fight broke out.

All in all, it was an eventful night. I can't wait for next Monday!

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